Saturday, December 08, 2007

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Newborn Elf Hat Pattern

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I finished another bag today. I am so enjoying making bags!! This one is made with voodoo yarn which creates the fuzzy, lambs wool effect. I did it in tunisiain crochet. i also used bleached sari yarn with the reverse side of the tunisian showing , and then switched again to create the fuzzy around the opening at the top. it was fun to make and i am planning on giving it to one of my daughters friends. i hope she loves it and doesn't think it is too weird. The reaction to my bags seems to sway between "That is so cool!" to "Well...OK...Hmmm". What do you think?
...love, deBBie
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007

I LOVE the colors.
The yarn had a very musty smell...so I hung it outstide for over a week, it looks lovely hanging on a line on my front porch but it didn't help dissipate the smell. I think it gets musty because the women (or men?) who spin it, also wash it well and then perhaps it isn't quite dry when twisted into skeins and shipped. I still really enjoyed working with it. And when I finished the first purse I washed it in the washing machine and line dried it. It still smelled funky so I washed it in a bowl with just a drop or two of bleach and now it smells fine. AND, for being washed and bleached the purse still looks OK. Here is a picture of my oldest daughter with her new purse.

But I wanted something a little more funky and stiffer for myself. Below is the purse I made for me. I haven't bleached it yet, but i am already using it a lot. It weighs quite a bit. I am beginning to see why plastic handles are popular because the crocheted ones stretch so much. I reinforced my purse handle with a reverse single crochet around the edge.

Hope you enjoyed my Sari Yarn Saga. Have a great day!
Love, deBBie
Thursday, May 17, 2007
The Trivia Question is at the end of this post.
I needed a headband for my 3 year old daughter...so I crocheted one. It took less than an hour. The one above I made the next day for my baby.
They were really easy to make. I just did crochet ribbing by sc in the back loop of each row until I made a band that fit their head. I had to remove a few rows from the first one because it was too loose. The next one I made more snugly. And added an extra row of flower petals.'
Monday, April 16, 2007

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sunday, April 01, 2007

It actually started out as a scarf with the dangling "scrumble" and some real free formed loose stitches. Then, when I reached a spot where I realized I wanted it to be a purse I started making the squares. The back I did to match size wise with the front but I did it in stripes and fun stitches.
Thanks for looking. I had planned on selling the purse but I don't think my daughter is going to give it back.
Do you think I should try to make some more purses? Let me know what you think.
My website is www.debbittybears.com
Love, deBBie
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Here is the Old Man Bear. He is made from several different fibers including mohair and wool. He is supposed to look like he has patches of fur missing. He is probably about 9 inches tall. The biggest deBBittybear I have done. I am thinking of calling him Mr FitzWitz or something. I am probably going to list him in on ebay.
I mentioned I lost my harddrive last week...Many Many pictures and documents. It is still very sad for me. I found out that my dh had not given me a new hard drive but my old drive, so I lost a LOT of things...so many photos...so sad... we ran recovery but the data cable fried the hard drive to the point that there is just nothing. On his computer which I had been using since mine was "being fixed" there were some things saved (that he had written over) that I was able to recover.
On the crochet side we were able to recover most of my bear patterns. I did lose the pattern for an afghan that I designed a few years ago. Someone else is looking at it so I need to retype it in. (thank goodness i have a hard copy.) I took some pictures of it today. I think it is beautiful...even if I did design it myself.
The yarn was SO expensive. I bought it for a contest so I justified it. Even then, the price was twice what I thought it would be. Over 100 dollars. OUCH! So I tried to make the nicest afghan I could and it was a pleasure working with that nice yarn and having it work up like it did. I wanted it to look like pieces of vintage chenille fabric pieced together.
Here is baby wrapped up in the blanket. (with big sister) She is the first kid to be wrapped in it. I have taken it out of the Cedar Chest for Photos today. But it went back in.
I have also been doing some tunisian crochet. I LOVE it. It works up so fast and looks really nice. I love doing striped scarfs with it. It creates this really cool reverse effect.
I also have a FREE pattern posted at Craftbits.com It is for a mohair thread bear. The link is....
It is listed in their top ten.
Happy Crocheting!
love, deBBie
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
I got out a bear I started before my baby was born...so over 7 months ago. Couldn't do it. Note to self.....ALWAYS store the hook you are using WITH the project...or at least leave yourself a note!! Since I wasn't using a pattern I am not sure which hook I was using...so I need to do some experiementing. It just needs the last of one leg and two arms. It will be a big bear with fuzzy patches everywhere, made with voodoo yarn and some other fibers.
Also finishing a second washcloth. I made up the gingham pattern and a way to do it without leaving any tails and making it fully reversible.

Over Christmas we spent two weeks with family and friends. I didn't bring my hooks and didn't miss them at all! Kind of scared me. Thought maybe I was getting burned out. But I am definitely itching to start up a new project. I know I should finish all the old ones first...yeah...like that is going to happen.
Question of the day..
What do you enjoy more? Starting a new project of finishing an old one? And with that...do you have very many projects lying around waiting or do you just do one at a time?
Sunday, January 07, 2007
deBBitty Bears Crochet
I have been crocheting since I was a grandmother-taught child. My first project was a rusted orange colored hot pad that I never finished! I remember giving it to my mom on mother's day half-finished with a half hearted promise to finish it later! I took up my hooks again in college.
I made a huge blue monstrosity of an afghan for a current boyfriend. I think the whole thing was just single crochet. His mothers comment? "Wow she must really like you." I think that guy is a physicist or something now.
That summer, my boyfriends ( a different one by now) mother was kind enough to try and teach me to read a pattern. I made this brown and cream, huge (again!), granny-type square, afghan. Only I didn't quite get the whole starting chain counts a first stitch thing...and it was a mess. I gave it to my husband when I finally got it done about a year later. WELL! (he was my next boyfriend FIRST). but he never really used it. It was a very loose stitched thing and held no heat whatsoever. AND, thanks to my inexperience it began to unravel in the middle of the squares.
My skills have improved over the years....and my first published pattern was an afghan in Crochet World Magazine.
My hubby and I now have 8 kids and I don't get as much time to crochet as I would like.
My favorite crochet groups....
also at www.threadanimals.com
This is a group that I created with a friend and helped grow to over 800 members. After the birth of my eigth I gave the ownership over to a friend ....and she is doing a great job. Toni also does the web sites for this group and........
also at www.threadartistbears.com
This group is where the members of threadanimals can list their items for sale.
This bear was made from my humphrey pattern. (available at www.debbittybears.com). I didn't use a pattern for the dress.
I also love ....
It is the BEST place to meet other crocheters and hob nob with the BEST in the business and learn something new practically every day.
Question of the day?
What is the difference between imitating someones crochet work and being inspired by it?